
Monday, February 11, 2019

Three Haiku

As many of my readers have surmised, I enjoy writing haiku.  It is a form that comes easily, easily enough that I don't have to waste creative energy struggling to keep to the form.  That makes it a good tool for jump starting my poetical processor when it doesn't seem to want to start (or jump) at all.  A couple weeks back, I attended a short haiku workshop.  We were given a very simple prompt, winter, and a very few minutes to write several haiku.  Following are three haiku I created that day.

Roof Leaking Haiku

Monster wind, sky dumps
gallons; front makes tropics cold.
Roof leaking again.

Boardwalk Fog Haiku

Palms bent, sand swirling...
Cold mist blankets the boardwalk.
No clue what's out there.

Night Sky Haiku

Night sky blinks starlight
heavenly bodies zoom toward
morning's dread waking.

Roof Leaking, Boardwalk Fog, and Night Sky Haiku are © Stephanie Mesler 2019

Red Woman

Red Woman By Stephanie Mesler I see you, a dismal speck of grey, washed over with the red that is myself.   You are withered and infinitesim...