by Stephanie Mesler
0+1=1 Love
1+1= 2 Is not
1+2= 3 as easy
2+3= 5 as it seems in books
3+5=8 or in romcoms on the tv.
5+8 =13 Love is not even as easy as that first sweet kiss
8+13=21 or the long anticipated burst of passion that felt like you’d found home.
13+21= 34 All that is just the start of a journey no longer taken alone; Now you’re in a rowboat steered by two people with their own sense of true north.
34-13=21 Unison rowing can result in dizzy circles; At times you’ll row alone, feeling
21-8=13 like the labor of love buries you under heaps
13-8=5 of untended wounds.
5-2=3 Then a touch…
3-1=2 or smile…
2-1=1 soothes.
Is not
as easy
as it seems in books,
or in romcoms on the tv.
Love is not even as easy as that first sweet kiss,
or the long anticipated burst of passion that felt like you’d found home.
All that is just the start of a journey no longer taken alone; Now you’re in a rowboat steered by two people with their own sense of true north.
Unison rowing can result in dizzy circles; At times you’ll row alone, feeling
like the labor of love buries you under heaps
of untended wounds.
Then a touch…
or smile…
© Stephanie Mesler 2023